Monday, October 21, 2013

Meatless Monday: Savory Porridge

Porridge is often thought of as oatmeal. Yet, this misses the long history of porridge as a cooking technique for preparing grains with ingredients ranging from sweet to savory. Lately, Michael and I have been preparing a savory lunch and dinner porridge from grains typically associated with breakfast, such as buckwheat 'grits' or 'cream of buckwheat,’ and combining them with beans, greens, roots, and spices for a tasty  and nutritious meal. 

Buckwheat, rather than a form of wheat, is a nutritious fruit-seed related to rhubarb and sorrel that is gluten free and high in protein (complete in all essential amino acids). Also known as groats or kasha, buckwheat has a global reach. In Eastern Europe, toasted groats are added to pasta for kasha varnishkes. In Japan, buckwheat flour is used to make soba noodles. In Brittany, buckwheat is added to crepes or pancakes.  Buckwheat can also be sprouted and eaten raw in salad.   For a meatless meal, cooking a porridge of buckwheat grits is easy and versatile.

Buckwheat Grits Porridge with Black Beans and Swiss Chard
Serves  4
Using rice milk gives the grits a creamy texture without using dairy.  Egg whites lighten the porridge and add extra protein.   Egg whites can be omitted if a softer porridge is preferred. Ladle directly into a bowl and top with salad.    

2 cups rice milk or vegetable broth
½  cup buckwheat grits  (cream of buckwheat)
½ teaspoon salt
¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
4 egg whites  (optional)

2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 medium celery root (1 cup), peeled and diced 1 clove garlic, minced
1 large bunch swiss chard, washed and chopped in 1 inch pieces, include stems

13 oz (1 can) cooked black beans
½ teaspoon ground coriander
½ teaspoon ground cumin
1 lemon, juiced

Bring rice milk or broth to a simmer.  Whisk in buckwheat and stir occasionally for 8 minutes.  Add salt, cilantro and black pepper towards the end.  Beat two egg whites until light peaks form.  Fold into porridge and pour into medium casserole or individual 4 oz ramekins.  Bake at 325 for 15 minutes until set.  

Prepare topping.  Heat olive oil over medium heat in saucepan.   Add celery root and allow to caramelize, moving gently to brown evenly with spatula. Add swiss chard, garlic and ¼ cup water.  Cook over low heat until vegetables are tender.   Add beans and spices and allow to simmer 5 minutes more to release flavors. Season with salt and pepper to taste.  Remove stew from heat and toss with lemon juice.  Spoon over porridge and serve.  Garnish with sprigs of fresh cilantro.